
The fluorescent bulb

In fact, it has been revolutionized by the new compact fluorescent bulbs now in the market. Their initial cost may be higher but their long term cost saves money in the end. Like incandescent bulbs, halogen bulbs are outdated and grossly inefficient. Like incandescent bulbs, they generate energy to create light.The history of light has not reached its end as of yet. To this one problem, the fluorescent bulb has two pros though, by being more energy efficient it should reduce the amount of mercury production and can serve as an option to going green, a step to prevent global warming. This in turn means that they don't heat up as much as their counterparts and are safer to use. Halogen light bulbs are variants of the original incandescent light bulb invented by Thomas Edison.
The problem, however, is that all the energy they create is not used effectively. Not only do these bulbs produce light more effectively but they are more cost effective. . For example, a halogen bulb can last up to two years whereas fluorescent bulbs have a life of up to five years! It seems well worth it to invest in fluorescent bulbs over the highly inefficient halogen and incandescent bulbs. They are also very hazardous, although they are cheap and therefore convenient; they have the ability to create costly damages. The fluorescent bulb does hold one consequence: mercury. Fluorescent Bulbs Solve the Issues of Halogens The fluorescent bulb on the other hand solves all three issues. Weighing the Pros and Cons When the two bulbs are compared, it becomes obvious which one is superior. One of the gasses found in these bulbs is mercury, a contaminant.
Most of the energy created actually causes the bulb to emanate heat reaching extreme temperatures, which can cause burns or even ignite fires, instead of being used for lighting purposes. In fact, several Universities have opted to use these bulbs over the halogen bulbs to prevent accidents. Yet, LED Bathroom Mirror Light Suppliers as life has it, everything does have its advantages and disadvantages. It seems as though there are trade-offs to either scenario, but when you factor in all the environmental benefits, monetary and energy saving benefits, and the safety benefits, I think you will agree that fluorescent light bulbs are the lighting technology of the future. How Halogen Bulbs Work The reason halogen bulbs are so ineffective and dangerous is in how they make energy. Compact fluorescent bulbs do not use heat to produce lighting but instead use a variety of gasses and electricity. This in turns means that most of the energy used is wasted, dangerous, and ineffective. These new fluorescent bulbs give consumers an alternative to the old halogen light bulbs.

